Weight loss

4 Healthy Reasons To Do Pilates Over Winter

1- Avoid Injury There is no doubt that our body gets tighter in winter. This happens for a couple of reasons. One, we are busy trying to stay warn and this can create tension on the muscles, causing tightness. We also tend to not drink enough water in winter, this also contributes to tightness of the muscles and joints. When our bodies are tight, this inhibits mobility around the joints that can lead to injury. A well-stretched and hydrated body in winter will help keep you safe from muscular tears and potential joint problems. 2 – Avoid Winter Weight Gain […]

9 Tips To Holiday Recovery

This is the time of year that many of you, our beautiful Pilates clients, travel overseas. Good on you, living your life to the fullest, I love to see it. You may know I had a recent holiday and it got me thinking about the impact travelling and holidays and have on our bodies.  I know it is not an easy thing to keep up a consistent exercise program when you are travelling. Eating clean and healthy, especially if you are overseas, is difficult as part of the fun is eating different local foods. I was lucky where I was […]

Are Your Muscles Wasting With Age ?

One observation I have noted as an instructor is that some of our ageing clients (which means most of us) really struggle to increase strength and muscle even after exercising and coming to Pilates for several years. There are some people that come to class 2 or 3 times a week and still make very slow progress. Why is that? The answer can be one of many reasons:  The amount of exercise that you actually do, the amount of effort you put in, diet, genetic factors and special conditions all play a role. My experience indicates that in many instances […]