The most important thing to remember when cleansing is to keep your food as clean as possible. Eating whole foods preferably organic if possible. Always drink plenty of water and keep a positive mind.
Foods to Enjoy
▪ Anything Isagenix…
▪ Apples▪ Asparagus
▪ Avocado
▪ Bananas (in moderation)
▪ Berries (blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries)
▪ Broccoli
▪ Carrots
▪ Cauliflower
▪ Chicken- organic
▪ Citrus- lemon, lime, oranges in moderation
▪ Cooking oils (non-hydrogenated coconut, olive, sesame)▪ Cucumbers
▪ Dark, leafy greens (spinach, chard, kale)
▪ Eggs (whites cooked and yokes runny)▪ Extracts- for shake flavors- ALL natural and organic!
▪ Fish (various coldwater fish)
▪ Greek yogurt- organic plain
▪ Green beans
▪ Herbs- thyme, basil, oregano, sage, mint, etc
▪ Herbal teas
▪ Lentils/beans
▪ Lettuce (all varieties)
▪ Long grain brown rice
▪ Mushrooms
▪ Onions- leeks, green, sweet, yellow, etc
▪ Peas
▪ Peppers (green, red, yellow, orange)
▪ Potatoes (in moderation) red, white, sweet and yams
▪ Quinoa
▪ Radish
▪ Raw almonds, pecans, walnuts, cashews, pepitas, sunflower seeds- all raw
▪ Sea salt and pepper
▪ Sea vegetables (kelp, kombu, hijiki and nori)
▪ Sprouts
▪ Squash
▪ Tomatoes
▪ Vinegar- apple cider, balsamic
▪ Zucchini
Foods to Avoid
▪ Alcohol
▪ Artificial colorings
▪ Artificial flavorings
▪ Artificial sweeteners
▪ Black teas
▪ Bread
▪ Chips and crackers
▪ Cold cuts (nitrates)
▪ Coffee
▪ Cooking oils (safflower, sunflower, corn, canola, peanut)
▪ Deep-fried foods
▪ Enriched foods
▪ Enriched pasta
▪ Excessive Salt
▪ Fast food
▪ Fruit juice
▪ High-fat cheese
▪ Instant, packaged foods
▪ Margarine
▪ Pork products (including ham and bacon)
▪ Preservatives
▪ Processed food
▪ Refined carbohydrates
▪ Shortening
▪ Soda pop
▪ Soy proteins
▪ Sugar (including brown, powdered and confectioner’s)
▪ White flour and white rice
For more information Sandra Kelly 0409 625 131